Thursday 10 May 2012

Week 10 Tutorial Activities.

In this week's tutorial we did some sketch activities that related to our site and form of the building. We were required to do a series of different sketches in very short time frames. Considering this is not something I practise doing on a regular basis, what I have to show for it isn't very much, but it did get me thinking about the form of the building to a greater extent.
This is just a panorama of all of the images produced in the short session.
No. 1 Sketch. This was supposed to be the approach to our building. We had 30s and I drew 6 lines. Hmmm... one line every five seconds?! Awesome. In all seriousness, attempting to visualise and then draw the building's approach was really challenging in 30s!!!

 No 2. Spatial Arrangement of site in plan. I was trying to think about the spaces I had to create and their relative sizes. The small box is the entry foyer. The other larger boxes are exhibition halls. The circle is my Biospace. Again, just 30s was allowed for this.
 No. 3. This was supposed to be a site collage. I had no idea what I was doing, but this image is supposed to indicate the centrality of the Biospace and all the other spaces needed. Again, 30s.
 No. 4. This is supposed to be a sort of massing model of our site, representative of the building's rough form. Obviously, the building goes out on the second floor, and then becomes narrower on the top floor. This is a necessity given the small allowable footprint. 1min for this exercise.
No. 5 This was supposed to be representative of  a section of the building if viewed from outside. I chose to attempt to portray the facade condition. It looks suspiciously like my folie...1 min allowed again.
 No. 6 In the sixth phase we were to represent something in detail. I chose to represent one of the monitors and interfaces I would have in my interactive zone. I think theses are of vital importance. I see there being big screens with different dials, keypads and other interactive buttons for maximum FUN! 2 mins was allowed for this activity.
 No. 7 Aimed to look at the facade treatment. In my narrative I described the building as 'box-like but wibbly-wobbly' at the same time. I drew some of this inspiration from the Brisbane Girl's Grammar building in Spring Hill (more on that later :D). 2mins was allowed for this one.
 No. 8. I actually cannot remember was this is supposed to be. I think I had lost the plot by this stage and resorted to doodling on the page. I am reminded of a cyclone. What I think it is supposed to be is indicative of the path winding up through the Biospace, but if anyone can glean that from the above, I would consider them a genius! 1 min was allowed for this.
This is the final exercise. It was a 5 min task in which we were to produce a representation of our building's form in more detail. The blue represents glass. The dark and light grey is the facade treatment. Other than that, the form is rough, but it is close to what I think the building should be starting to look like. I think it has to be a rigid form with a facade treatment. Otherwise it will stick out too much in the context.

Whilst sitting in the latter part of the tutorial, I developed some sketches that showed some of the interior qualities I was attempting to describe with my narrative.

The top image is the intrigue I wish to create on the way to the Biospace. The girl in the narrative describes that she can see trees through some high windows, and hear birds. I want visitors not to see the Biospace as soon as they walk in, I want it to be there, tantalisingly close. Along the same lines, the second image shows a group of students looking out on the Biospace after the screen has been rolled back in the Presentation space. They will be up amongst the trees and will again be filled with a sense of intrigue... but this time it will be fulfilled.

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