Tuesday 22 May 2012

Design inspiration - Geodesic Domes/Roofs

Well, I didn't really want to have a glass roof, but considering the existence of living things within the building, it really is a necessity. There are ways to do it quite attractively, and the first thing I thought of was a geodesic structure.
I was very inspired by the Grand Designs episode that showcased the Dome House overlooking Lake Windermere (I'm going there at the end of the year :D :D :D). Although it did not go completely according to plan, the end result was quite beautiful.
This first image gives just a glimpse of the geodesic roof structure.

This is a better image of the complex geodesic design.

This is the exterior of the house.
Considering many of the "Biospheres" I have seen during my research, the majority are geodesic domes.

I also thought about the British Museum's roof over the Great Courtyard... this is a geodesic  structure  that is not a dome. (Again, I am going there at the end of the year :D)
The roof was designed by Norman Foster.
I am thinking that it will be possible to apply this sort of thing to my building, in order to get enough light in. I think that I may need to complement it with some reflective surfaces on the inside in order to bounce the light into the far corners and the base.

Each of these are Buckminster Fuller's patents. They are really interesting and very cool!

I found some of these technical drawings of Buckminster Fuller's. He seemed to be very intent on creating new ways of building... with geodesic structures. I'm a little sad that his Dome houses never took off. Actually, I have always thought of a structure like this made out of solar panels... could generate and store all the energy it needed. But that is an aside. 

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