Wednesday 9 May 2012

Program and Planning

Following on from my narrative, I decided to have another go at planning the building. Considering some of the feedback I was given on presentation day about the form and planning of my building, I decided that I needed to go with something more linear to keep with the context.
Following the presentation, I decided upon the specifics of the square metreages of the spaces within the building, and on what level I wished for everything to be located:
Ground Floor/ Entry Level (TOTAL 500sqm)
  • Entry Foyer @ 25sqm
  • Exhibition Zone 1 @ 125sqm
  • Toilets @ 25sqm
  • Biospace at 275sqm
First Floor (TOTAL 1260sqm)
  • Presentation Space @ 300sqm
  • Office/Store @ 60sqm
  • Foyer/Void to Presentation space @ 45sqm
  • Biospace @ 555sqm
Second Floor (Total 520sqm)
  • Exhibition Zone 2 @ 330sqm
  • Biospace @ 190sqm
Above is my concept for the entry level of the building, including the spatial arrangement of the rooms.
Above is the first floor plan/spatial arrangement.

Above is the second floor plan/spatial arrangment.

I also considered specifics in terms of the programming. I had a very clear idea of what I wanted in each of the spaces, as considered in the previous posts. These, are, however specifically related to the way people would move through the building in terms of a specific tour/visit.
Junior (Prep - Grade 2)
Brisbane's Past: Audio-visual "lecture" (CARTOON) about the history of Brisbane. What has changed? Why? (20mins)
Native Species spotting: Wander up through the Biospace spotting birds, flowers and trees with your guide (30mins)
Nasties in Nature: students are shown what some of the nasties humans create do to nature. Specifically some demonstrations/sit down story time. (30mins)
Lunch: Meander back down through the biospace to have lunch/a play in the scale city below (40mins)
Create the City of the Future: A basic virtual reality program with a few parameters specifically targeted at this age group (40 mins)
TOTAL 2hr 40 mins (incl. lunch)

Standard (Grade 3- 6)
Brisbane's Past: Audio Visual lecture about the history of Brisbane from its earliest settlement to the modern city. How has the city changed? And why? (30mins)
Take A Walk Through Nature: students move through the Biospapce with their guide, learning about the animals, trees and insects they encounter (20 mins allowable)
Evil World: What are some of the dangerous things humans put into nature? How are they bad for nature? Science experiment demonstrations and exhibits. (30-40mins Guided)
Lunch: As above (40mins)
Create the City of the Future: students have the chance to create a virtual Brisbane in 2090. Every decision they make effects the outcome of the city (60mins)
TOTAL 3h 40mins (incl. lunch)

I also considered how it could be used after hours. Drawing on the Montreal Biodome's programs, I considered things like a Biospace sleepover, and similar programs to above that could be run on the weekends to parents/ older visitors.

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