Sunday 27 May 2012

Updating the Building

Considering the need to get sunlight into the building, it was (as previously discussed) important to include a glass roof, and a geodesic one at that. So building up on my previous sections and elevations, I decided to update the building to include the new roof.
This is the front elevation. It shows the roof as it comes up from the front of the building. It is also important to incorporate some glazing into the top floor's walls. Considering the fact that I wish the top exhibition room to capture the 'sound of the city' there will have to be another glass roof between the internal walls, that I have not considered in this image.
 This is the side elevation, again, the ground comes up to the walls on the bottom floor, allowing areas to play underneath the building.
This is a section from the side. In addition to the new roof (which has necessitated the modification of  some of the walls on the top floor), I have considered the fact that the Biospace needs to have a contained soil environment. Without significant (and expensive!!!) testing, I would not use the soil on site. Who knows what's in it?! There could be heavy metals, the soil could be acid-sulfate (actually quite likely considering its proximity to the river...) and all sorts of things left over from its previous land uses. A contained environment is going to work much better.
Another section, this time through the front of the building. This gives and idea of the staircases etc and the way people can move though the building. It still needs a lot of work, and I am going to give it a go in Revit...

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