Tuesday 1 May 2012

Massing and Masterplanning

From the site analysis and program consideration, it was possible to consider a masterplan and begin some massing.
The area of the site deemed most appropriate for the building follows:

From this, then is the masterplan.

The blue indicates: 1 the ground plane of the building, 2. The proposed new jetty and site access point.
The above diagrams indicate the possibility of the arrangment of spaces; Yellow indicates the foyer, green the BIOSPACE, red the exhibition areas and cyan the presentation space.
Considering the scarcity of the footprint, the building clearly need to go UP and OUT.
Above is the spaces laid one on top of each other. The green BIOSPACE continues to the top floor.

I also considered this from a side view.
The colours correlate to the same spaces as described above. The boxes not only give an indication of where abouts in the building the rooms should be, but also an indication of their sizes.

 My collage was what I imagined when I thought of the BIOSPACE.
Below is my model. It is very whimsical. It attempts to be an abstract representation of what the form of the building could be like. In all honesty, I think this sort of form would be a nightmare to construct. But building the model was fun. I think it looks like a rock. That's natural isn't it?

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