Monday 4 June 2012

Pre-rendered Perspectives

I have produced the following images to render in photoshop, similar to that of my previous post.
This is the entry foyer, from a child's perspective. The small, narrow windows on the second floor will give just the tiniest glimpse of the Biospace, as with the narrow windows on the 'half' walls.

This is from the first floor balcony overlooking the Biospace. Obviously there isn't anything in the Biospace at the moment. You can see across to the presentation zone with its large glass wall (that will be covered by a screen for the presentation... It is also possible to see the double height entry space with the 'half' walls to the Biospace, allowing the sound of the birds and insects to permeate the entry zone.

This is just a wider angle of the entry space.

 This image is from the Presentation space. It is elevated as if the view were sitting in the bleachers. Obviously there are no trees in it yet.
This is from the very top floor, looking towards the Biospace through the narrow windows of the central zone.

I am looking forward to rendering these images and bringing them to life. 

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