Monday 11 June 2012

Detail 2: Interactive Zone Screens

Wow, just wow. I have been fascinated with the thought of having giant touch screens in my interactive zone to make it just that; INTERACTIVE. Meaning that the users of the space would have to physically drag the elements of their city around. I have been trawling the internet, and I have found some truly inspiring and amazing things.

The first are reasonably basic: They are just giant touch screen monitors.
This is an offering from Samsung:
 At 82 inches it is pretty enormous, but not really what I was thinking.
This is another of Samsung's offerings. This is a bit more like it... a touch screen TABLE. Now that is cool.
But then I found this video....

Mind = BLOWN! That screen is incredible, and definitely what I was thinking for my interactive zone.
And then, there was this....

This is absolutely astonishing. I think it is an amazing use of technology. I'm not sure about punching the ground to reveal the innards of the earth and creating a giant crater, but I love this so much.

I am absolutely inspired. I think that each of these have the potential to work in my interactive zone. At the end of the day, I just want the building of the city to be an 'hands on' experience, rather than simple clicking a mouse and pressing some buttons.

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