Tuesday 12 June 2012

Final Words

There is now just one hour until the crit. I am both excited and nervous. I like my building, and I think that my presentation will convey the best aspects of it in a creative way (fingers and toes crossed!!!).

I have really enjoyed this theme group. I think that I really connect with it. I work with primary aged children every day, and I know how they tick; what interests them and what bores them. I am a gymnastic coach, which is a both challenging and rewarding job. You may have a lesson plan, but sometimes you just have to improvise to ensure you keep the activities interesting enough for the kids. I have certainly become far more tolerant towards kids since I began coaching.

I also had another facet of my life that taught me much about the mind of a child. I was an acrobatic gymnast for 7 years, working with partners as young as 8 years old. If you look at my profile picture you will see just one of the stacks that must be performed. The person on top... the 'top' places their life in your hands, not only at competitions, but EVERY DAY of the week they train with you. To gain the trust between partners is not easy, it is something that must be nurtured to ensure a successful outcome. I have been incredibly lucky - I have had amazing partners and have been very successful at both State and National level.

But this is an aside. Back to Architectural Design: I have thoroughly enjoyed this design process. I feel I have poured my heart into the project and so have a deep connection with it. Hopefully it is conveyed both on this blog, and in the presentation.

I should also take time here to thank my theme leader Dan. Without his assistance and guidance, I don't think I would have achieved the level of resolution that I did. Thanks :)

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