Monday 11 June 2012

More interior renders...

It is very close to the deadline now, but I can happily say that I am DONE! I am happy with my presentation overall. I think that it is clear and effective, and gives a clear understanding of what the building would be and the sorts of experiences one might have in it. The presentation is sketchy and childish; it has a semi-realistic feel to it that I think works. Mind you, I don't really want to speak too soon... it might be ripped apart in tomorrow's critique. I hope that my presentation conveys the connection that I have had with this building throughout the semester. It has certainly evolved from where it was originally. I believe that the building is believable, and could be real. I wish I was better at using Revit, because it might have done the building/ site more justice. If there was one thing I am not happy with, it is showing the building in context. I have done that to a limited (and artificial-looking) extent with my exterior render. Here are some more interior renders that make up the quasi-narrative part of my speech.
 This shows the Biospace from the first floor of the building.

 This is the top floor of the Biospace, with the roof above and the canopy of the trees in view.
This is in the interactive zone, with the glass wall through to the Biospace and the large touchscreens in use by the child. 
I will upload my final presentation (it is a video) and final panel soon.

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