Saturday 9 June 2012

Elevations and Section of the New Layout

Today I have been working on my sections and elevations. Obviously these are just the CAD versions, so they are just lines. I will take them into photoshop and give them textures/ make them realistic.
 This is the elevation from the right hand side of the building (if you were looking at the front/ going of the floorplans I have already posted. With the new floor plans, the geodesic roof is looking a lot more regular...
 This is the elevation of the front of the building.
 This is a section through the building from the same angle. Obviously there are no people in it as yet. Unfortunate I made a little error when selecting the area for my section, so all we get to see of the ground floor are the most boring part of the toilets and the entrance foyer... But the next two floors look good!? I might have to do a third section to ensure the whole experience is documented.
I decided to throw this in for a bit of fun. WHICH WAY ARE THE STAIRS GOING? Hope this doesn't melt your brain :)

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