Monday, 9 April 2012

Some more site analysis

Following the release of the specific brief, I decided to do another brainstorm.
I attempted to keep each of my consideration close to the parameters I set for myself. Sound of the city and boundaries don't really link all that closely... however environmental considerations  and boundaries, and the sound of the city and environmental considerations are intertwined, as the brainstorm revealed.
 The site includes the fabulous sandstone cliffs, which are of great beauty. The cliffs are a boundary, but could that boundary be broken, and the building work its way down the cliff?
A series of spaces interconnected, weaving their way down the clifface?

 Or a giant escalator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe not so practical?
I then started to think in more real terms about the educational experience. I thought about Interactive, Informative and Idealistic... and wondered whether I could relate some of the expectations of the learning experience to each of these.
Idealistic is fairly self explanatory. This could be a display (including live birds) that shows what we should aim for the city to be like in the future.
 Informative: just what was the city? What did it look like? What did is sound like? What was it like to live here, the benefits etc.
Interactive: What might the city be like in the future if we don't take good measures to preserve it? Will we still hear and see birds and other animals. Perhaps visitors could virtually create their own future?!

The River is another advantage of the site, particularly the fact that its a natural boundary that may be more easily utilised than the cliff. Visitors may enter off the River, and leave via the River, but through a different entrance? The diagram below considers this. 

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