Saturday 9 June 2012

Floor Plans and Master Plan ready for Presentation

This morning I have been working on finalising some of the images for my presentation. Having already written my speech and the order of presentation, I have a clear idea of what I need. The project is an Environmental Education Centre for children and I feel the style of the images for my presentation reflects this. I wish the presentation to be reasonably 'sketchy', 'childish' and 'fun!'.
 Above is the ground floor plan. I have chosen to shade in the Biospace because it is central to my building. I brings the outside in, and creates an unique experience for the children (and adults) that are visiting. Now that the spaces are labelled it is possible to see how they interact.
 Above is the first floor. Again, the Biospace is coloured, but at a lower opacity in order to represent the fact that it continues down one level. Again, the spaces are labelled now, and it is possible to see their interaction.
 This one is the second floor plan.
The final image is the Master plan. This has evolved quite a way from what it was originally. I think the colours make it fun. It shows all of the connections between the building and its surroundings. The proposed Ferry terminal remains in the same location between the pylons of the Story Bridge, as indicated in blue. The red indicates the refurbished boardwalk around the back of the historic buildings. The yellow is the 'skywalk' (not Luke Skywalker...) but a walkway that winds up the face of the cliff and around the back of the building. It comes to about the same height as the second floor, and considering the glass roof, users would be able to walk around and look inside towards the exhibition and Biospaces. The orange indicates a link from New Farm via a refurbished Riverwalk. In all, there are multiple ways to access the building, despite its  blocking the main axis through the site.

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