Monday 9 April 2012

Theme Specific Tutorial 2

This week's tutorial was an opportunity for us to cement our ideas regarding our core concepts, continue with the site analysis and receive the tutorial-specific brief.

Whilst waiting to speak to Dan, I decided to explore more ideas about learning, thinking specifically about my core parameters of THE SOUND OF THE CITY and BOUNDARIES.

To begin with, I decided to look for some definitions: These definitions come from searching in Google using the 'define:' shortcut:

Barrier: A fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access
- A circumstance that prevents communication or keeps people apart.

Boundary: A line that marks the limits of an area, a dividing line
- A limit of a subject or sphere of activity

Concentrated: Wholly directed to one thing; intense gathered in one space

Dispersed: Distributed or spread over a wide area
- Go or cause to go in different directions or to different destinations

Escape: Break free from confinement or control (verb)

From here, I discovered that I could put them all together....
"A BARRIER keeps people apart; it confines and controls. A BOUNDARY is the edge BARRIER. BARRIERS may direct to one thing or cause one to go in different directions or to different destinations."
It is interesting to note that the words boundary and barrier are interchangeable. 

From here, I started to think about learning. I am a gymnastics coach, as well as an acrobatic gymnast. This means that I spend a large proportion of my time around children, teaching them, working with them to learn and achieve goals. Specifically, I started thinking of the kindergym program that we run.
Kindergym is for children aged 2-4, and it includes learning fine motor skills, colours, shapes, sounds and so on. Much of the kindergym program is about LEARNING THROUGH PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE. Specifically, if a child is having difficulty performing one task, we challenge them to try again, slightly differently. Essentially, this is how EVERYONE learns. So that got me thinking, what if the entire centre was a giant play pen!.... Yeah, no.

Anyway, I started to diagram as below:
The first image shows a process of questioning one's prior knowledge. When faced with dead ends in every direction, one might turn back. But, what if... the wall isn't really a wall, but an illusion?! You push through and... BAM you are through.
Learning and problem solving at its simplest: One is faced with a space they cannot just walk straight through, as it is too narrow. 

So they turn to the side in order to fit through.

One is faced with a wall too high to climb over, so they slide through the low gap.

From here, we received the brief, and there is a lot of work to do from now on.......

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